An Introduction to the Marcus Family

Marcus Asset Management was co-founded by the Marcus family of Milwaukee to apply its steady, analytical style of investing to the market of publicly traded securities.  The family is a classic American success story. Ben Marcus, a Polish immigrant, started from scratch to build a portfolio of industry leading businesses. He purchased his first movie theater in the mid-1930s in Ripon, Wisconsin, on 103 Watson Street, and spent the next 35 years building a family of separately owned businesses including hotels, movie theaters, and restaurants. In the mid-1970s the businesses were recapitalized through an IPO of what is now known as the Marcus Corporation, based in Milwaukee.

Today, Ben Marcus’ creation is led by his son and grandson, Steve and Greg Marcus, Chairman and CEO respectively of the Marcus Corporation. The Marcus family has thus successfully stewarded the Marcus Corporation and its predecessors for three generations, with outstanding returns to shareholders, a record of integrity, and a deep commitment to the communities in which it operates.

While the public Marcus Corporation has served as the primary investment vehicle for the Marcus family, the family’s private investment office, led by David Marcus, has continued to build and invest in businesses with the same successful results.

Over time, the family recognized that the attributes that have made its private investment approach so successful - patience, independence, focus on quality, financial disicpline - were exactly the same attributes that make for successful investing in the securities market.  In 2009, Haruki Toyama joined the family's private investment office to oversee its securities portfolio, and co-founded Marcus Asset Management, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.